Ask for feedback at the right time: right after something happened within Zendesk. And personalize your feedback request by using the owner of the event as the sender dynamically. This way, you get honest feedback and achieve high response rates. Our out-of-the-box integration lets you collect feedback and reviews on autopilot via Zendesk within hours. Schedule a demo or try for free now.
Step 1: Set up a campaign within Ratecard
Visit our template store with 100+ free templates and choose a survey of your liking, for example, "Support ticket". Use it as a template to automatically set up a campaign within minutes. If you like to set it up manually yourself, then (a) create a form with survey questions, (b) create a group, and (c) set up a campaign.
Next, we can populate the campaign with people that send you a ticket via Zendesk whom you want to ask about their experience. Follow steps 2 to 5 to make this happen.
Step 2: Create an inbound webhook within Ratecard
First, we need to create an inbound webhook within Ratecard to be able to receive ticket requesters via Zendesk. Provide the webhook with a name, e.g. "Zendesk - Tickets solved", and proceed to check the toggle "Inbound webhook" and the checkbox "Contacts - Create" (see: figure below).
Figure 1: Create an inbound webhook within Ratecard
Step 3A: Add ticket field for manually opting out of asking for feedback (optional)
If you want to decide per ticket whether you'd like to ask for feedback - or not - you should add an additional ticket field within Zendesk. Navigate to [Settings] > [Ticket fields] > [Add field] and add a field as shown in figure 3 (see: below).
Figure 2: List of ticket fields within Zendesk
Figure 3: Create a ticket field within Zendesk to filter out tickets
Next, add a filter within your group in Ratecard matching the field name, e.g. "Feedback (Y/N)", and setting the filter value to "yes" (see: Figure 4). In this case, only if the owner of the ticket set this field value within Zendesk to "yes", the feedback will be requested automatically.
Figure 4: Set up a filter within Ratecard
Step 3B: Add a ticket field for localizing your feedback requests (optional)
If you want to send a feedback request in the language of the sender of the ticket, you can also add another ticket field within Zendesk: "Ask for feedback in", including a list of options with all languages you'd like to use.
Figure 5: Create a language ticket field within Zendesk
Step 4: Set up an HTTP target within Zendesk
Navigate to [Settings] > [Extensions] > [Add target] to add an HTTP target we can capture events with for the inbound webhook we've created within your Ratecard account. Provide a title, e.g. "Add contact to group "Tickets via Zendesk" within Ratecard", and use the webhook URL of your inbound webhook in Ratecard (see: step 2) as the web address. Select "POST" as the method for this target, and "JSON" as the type of content (see: Figure 7).
Figure 6: List of extensions within Zendesk
Figure 7: Create an HTTP target as an extension within Zendesk to capture events
Step 5: Set up a trigger within Zendesk
Now we have to make sure that whenever a ticket is closed within Zendesk, this event is communicated with Ratecard. In order to make this happen, we need to add a trigger within Zendesk. Navigate to [Settings] > [Triggers] > [Add trigger]. Next, create a trigger named "Send closed ticket to Ratecard", and add these conditions (see: Figure 9):
- Ticket is updated
- Status is closed
Figure 8: List of triggers within Zendesk
Figure 9: Create a trigger within Zendesk
Next, add an action that's reported to the target we've set up in step 4 (see: above and figure 10/11 below). Add the following JSON code in the editor, and replace the variables "{{ticket.ticket_field_360005639678}}" for "feedback" and "{{ticket.ticket_field_360021357098}}" for "language" yourself if you've added these fields in the steps above. Quick help: you can use the link "Show available variables" underneath the editor if you're not sure how to add these variables. Make sure you add the name of your group where we've added "Zendesk - Tickets solved" in our code example below (this is the name of our group in this example). Last but not least: make sure you've activated this trigger once you finished the set-up.
Code example A: Action code for the trigger to be added within Zendesk
"action": "contacts.create",
"payload": {
"name": "{{}}",
"email": "{{}}",
"subscribed": true,
"anonymous": false,
"external_id": "{{}}",
"external_type": "requester",
"source": "Zendesk",
"groups": [{
"name": "Zendesk - Tickets solved",
"ticket_id": "{{}}",
"title": "{{ticket.title}}",
"status": "{{ticket.status}}",
"owner": "{{}}",
"url": "{{ticket.url}}",
"feedback": "{{ticket.ticket_field_360005639678}}",
"language": "{{ticket.ticket_field_360021357098}}"
Figure 10 and 11: JSON text within trigger's action request body within Zendesk
Step 6: Test the integration
We're all set to test the integration! Navigate to a test ticket, and close it (see: Figure 12). Make sure you've selected "Yes" in the "Ask for feedback" ticket field (if you set this up in step 3A above). Next, navigate to [Settings] > [Webhooks] > [Your webhook] > [History] within Ratecard to check if the event is received by Ratecard (see: Figure 13). A contact should have been added to the group (see: Figure 14), and a message will be scheduled or sent immediately (see: Figure 15), depending on how you've set it up within Ratecard. After the respondent gave feedback, you'll be able to view this feedback via your inbox in Ratecard (see: Figure 16).
Figure 12: Close ticket within Zendesk
Figure 13: Zendesk ticket received as an event by inbound webhook within Ratecard
Figure 14: Contact added within Ratecard
Figure 15: Message scheduled/sent via Ratecard
Figure 16: Feedback received via Ratecard
Bonus: spread the word with reviews via your company profile
Are you very proud of the feedback you're collecting via Ratecard? Good news: You can use feedback collected to manage your reputation and share reviews online via your company page on Ratecard, (a) review widget(s) on your website, and our built-in integration with Google Rich Snippets.
Figure 15: Spread the word and boost your online presence with online reviews via Ratecard
That's it! Interested in this integration?
If you're interested in the integration between Zendesk and Ratecard and are looking to collect feedback on autopilot, get in touch with us by requesting a demo or signing up for a free trial. Let's improve every day!
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