In order to collect feedback and reviews on autopilot via our Carerix integration, you'll need to add email templates within your Carerix application. In this article you'll find the templates you can use for sending both candidate and customer data from Carerix to Ratecard.
Step 1: Add email template within Carerix
After you've created a group within Ratecard, you are now ready to add an email template with candidate or customer data. The email template will be sent to Ratecard if an event occurs within Carerix (e.g. an intake is completed or candidate is placed), and Ratecard processes these data to collect feedback and reviews on autopilot.
Log into your Carerix account, navigate to [Maintenance] > [Templates], and add a new template:
- Name: give your template a name, e.g. "Ratecard | 2.3 Intake completed | Candidate"
- Code: give your template a unique code and index, e.g. "999" at both
- Settings: check the box "HTML format"
- Visible: check the box "Visible at" and select the object you would like to ask for feedback about, e.g. "Match", "Placement" or "Job order" - please note: you cannot send candidate information if you select "Job order" here, then you should select "Match" or "Placement". For this example, select "Match"
- Available for: check the box "select all"
- Supported languages: select the supported language(s), only if applicable. Be sure to check which languages Ratecard currently supports
- From: select "Work E-mail address of user" and make sure your domain(s) is/are allowed to add contacts to smart groups within Ratecard
- To: select "Other"
- Address to be used: select "Work"
- Send options: select "Send now"
- Template type: select "Editor"
- Subject: add a subject for your template, e.g. "Ratecard | Candidate | 2.3 Intake completed"
- Content: copy and paste one of the following options in the "Content" field of your template and replace
with the group id of the smart group you would like to add this contact to, just before clicking "Finish" for a new template or "Save" for an existing template:
Candidate data - example of email template content for Carerix
<cx:header name="to" value="**groupid**"/>
"firstname": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.firstName" />",
"lastname": "<cx:if condition="$activity.toEmployee.lastNamePrefix.length>1"><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastNamePrefix" /> <cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastName" /></cx:if><cx:else><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastName" /></cx:else>",
"email": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.businessOrPrivateEmailAddress" />",
"phone": "<cx:if condition="$activity.toEmployee.mobileNumberBusiness.length>9"><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.mobileNumberBusiness" /></cx:if><cx:else><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.mobileNumber" /></cx:else>",
"salutation": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.formalName" />",
"owner": "<cx:write value="$activity.toMatch.owner.businessOrPrivateEmailAddress" />",
"company": "<cx:write value="$" />",
"jobtitle": "<cx:write value="$activity.toVacancy.jobTitle" />",
"jobid": "<cx:write value="$activity.toVacancy.vacancyNo" />",
"locale": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.toLanguageNode.notes" />",
"departments": "<cx:write value="$"/>",
"contact_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.toUser.userID" />",
"user_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.owner.ownerID" />",
"external_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.employeeID" />",
"external_type": "CREmployee",
"source": "Carerix"
Customer data - example of email template content for Carerix
<cx:header name="to" value="**groupid**"/>
"firstname": "<cx:write value="$activity.toUser.firstName" />",
"lastname": "<cx:if condition="$activity.toUser.lastNamePrefix.length>1"><cx:write value="$activity.toUser.lastNamePrefix" /> <cx:write value="$activity.toUser.lastName" /></cx:if><cx:else><cx:write value="$activity.toUser.lastName" /></cx:else>",
"email": "<cx:write value="$activity.toUser.businessOrPrivateEmailAddress" />",
"phone": "<cx:if condition="$activity.toUser.mobileNumberBusiness.length>9"><cx:write value="$activity.toUser.mobileNumberBusiness" /></cx:if><cx:else><cx:write value="$activity.toUser.mobileNumber" /></cx:else>",
"owner": "<cx:write value="$activity.toMatch.owner.businessOrPrivateEmailAddress" />",
"salutation": "<cx:write value="$activity.toContact.formalName" />",
"company": "<cx:write value="$" />",
"jobtitle": "<cx:write value="$activity.toVacancy.jobTitle" />",
"jobid": "<cx:write value="$activity.toVacancy.vacancyNo" />",
"locale": "<cx:write value="$activity.toUser.toLanguageNode.notes" />",
"departments": "<cx:write value="$"/>",
"can_fullname": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.firstName" /> <cx:if condition="$activity.toEmployee.lastNamePrefix.length>1"><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastNamePrefix" /> <cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastName" /></cx:if><cx:else><cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.lastName" /></cx:else>"
"candid_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.employeeID" />",
"user_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.owner.ownerID" />",
"external_id": "<cx:write value="$activity.toUser.userID" />",
"external_type": "CRUser",
"source": "Carerix"
Are you missing any CX fields?
If you need any other Carerix fields, please be sure to check out the documentation on CX fields within Carerix, and find the specific field(s) you're looking for. Of course you can also always use the CxScript generator in the editor, to find this/these field(s). If you can't find what you're looking for, you can always ask us. We're more than happy to help!
Step 2: Preview your template within Carerix
Make sure your template generates the correct candidate or customer data by previewing it before (or after) saving it. Click on "Preview" in the top left of the edit template screen, and you'll see if the data is generated as expected (see: Figure 1).
Figure 1: Preview your email template within Carerix
Step 3: Test your template within Carerix
Now perform the action or trigger the event that you've set in the (advanced) trigger within Carerix. Next, navigate to [Activities] > [E-mail] > [Sent], and search for messages that are sent "To" an email address containing "ratecard". You'll see if the message is sent to Ratecard (see: Figure 2). If you don't see your message, your email template or your trigger is not set up correctly. Please contact us to help you out. If you haven't configured triggers yet, please do that first and come back here later to test your template.
Figure 2: Test your email template via the outgoing messages within Carerix
Next step: Add (advanced) triggers within Carerix
The next step for the setup guide with Carerix is to add (advanced) triggers that sent the email template(s) created in the steps above to Ratecard whenever an action is performed or an event takes place within Carerix.
Interested in the Carerix & Ratecard integration?
If you're interested in the integration between Carerix and Ratecard, and are looking to collect feedback on autopilot, be sure to check out the article about the integration. Here you'll find out how it works, how easily it can be set up, and what you can use it for. You can also request a demo or sign up for a free trial. Let's improve every day!
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