Next to the complete overview of company statistics, you can also see the Team statistics. Here, you see an overview of all your team members and you can easily see which team member performs best. You can also set goals for your team members, to improve your organization.
Step 1: Go to Team statistics
Step 2: Select the period you would like to analyze
Step 3: See who scores best and who can do better, according to the feedback received.
You can see a top list of the performances of all your team members in the period you selected. The NPS's of all team members are visible, as well as the average scores and the number of feedback items received by the team members.
Step 4: Set goals for your team members
Next to all averages, you see 'NPS goals', 'Score goals' and 'Feedback goals':
You can adjust all goals by clicking 'Add goals' at the end of the row:
Now, you can adjust all goals:
Start setting goals for your team members now and improve the results of your company!
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